Mega-Maxim Monday

New article up today, rounding up the best drawings of Batman mixed with Star Wars. Because that’s all the Internet is, you know.

Also, an old Maxim article I don’t think I ever linked to: Do It Yourself — everything from hide-tanning to robot-building, plus some actually useful stuff (and good one-liners) in between.

And the first of a new series today: Profiles in Manlitude. The debut model is king of the ring John L. Sullivan, the first athlete to ever earn a million dollars, which in the 19th Century is saying something. Naturally he died with ten bucks in his pocket, but don’t forget you could live for a year off that back then.

Here’s some other recent work I’ve written for the new Dirty Briefs blog.

Four entirely inappropriate ads for great songs: If I Should Fall from Grace with God, Lust for Life, Fortunate Son, Mercedes Benz

And in my personal favorite, we try to find the author of this illustration in which a crazed Captain America leaps out of a dumpster to terrorize some alley-children.

Captain America leaps from a dumpster to deliver an ass-whuppin' to some dumpster kids
Never not funny