Remember when I was posting daily and weekly updates for every comic on this site? Me neither, because it was on the other side of 10-12 hour workdays at CBS. But that’s changed, because all that time we’ve been loading the barrels for the next couple of issues of Indelible, Inc. (Oh yeah, it’s not called Invisible, Inc. anymore. There was an amicable resolution with the video game of the same name.)
And now that I’m not working 9 to…9, I can get everything in order. Enjoy the few remaining pages by Tomas before we welcome in new artist Rodolfo Buscaglia and colorist Joaquin Pereyra. It’s a sad goodbye, but Tomas’s talent was always going to catch the attention of deeper pockets than mine, and he’s been illustrating Garth Ennis stuff over at Avatar, among other things. Which makes us happy! Plus, Rodolfo and Joaquin are doing wonderful work together that will have even the sternest Indelible Inc. reader doing a jig.
With this page, we resolve the longest pregnant pause in comics history. Click on to read the newest addition to issue #3. Then come back tomorrow to read the next page. And then Thursday. You get the literal, metaphoric, and thematically symbolic picture.