I Completed Kevin Nash’s ’90s Image Comic

Do you remember 1999’s action sci-fi comic book Nash? Sure, we all don’t. I don’t even think 1999 remembered it, because wrestler/writer Kevin Nash put out two issues through Image Comics, but not a third. Regardless, it’s a trip, and I reviewed it for 1-900-HOTDOG before falling under its spell and fulfilling my longstanding vow to complete its tale. This was a heavy lift, but it was also a fun one for me, because I’ve always wanted to do a MAD-style spoof for a comedy article, which I don’t think will surprise anyone who’s opened a copy of DOSE!

Anyway, read and enjoy. It’s free, but you should subscribe to 1-900-HOTDOG on Patreon anyway, because a penny a month gets you 20+ days of laughter.

If you want to buy any of the original art or prints of the lettered pages, I’ve got a store now, where you can buy those along with my comics, maybe some limited edition merch will come along too. I have no desire to flood the planet with crap, but once in a while there’s a one liner or drawing that a few people want on a shirt or a button.

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