One Elegant Night With Esquire & Glenfiddich

The HearstMade folks asked me to guide you through the differences in the various Glenfiddich gran/d/e series for Esquire, as barrels from different quarters of the world give their increasingly aged and expensive scotch whiskies new aspects that, quite frankly, you and I would have to splurge to enjoy. I got a very nice sampling of Bruichladdichs after that last piece. They didn’t have to do that! Nobody ever remembers the writer in a sponsored and branded piece. Sales & Accounts keeps the good stuff every time. That’s how great Bruichladdich is, top to bottom. Do you know what I’d do if Grande Couronne showed up on my doorstep? I’d have to call them to verify it was intentional or risk committing grand(e couronne) larceny.

Which is not to be confused with what I’d do if Larceny whiskey showed up at my door, but I digress. Enjoy your night out on the town, even if it’s imaginary.