Costco Nails Starbucks’ Mid Egg Bites for Good & Eh

Are you a fan of me getting paid to eat breakfast? Sure, we all are. That’s why I took this Tasting Table assignment to review the two new flavors of…let me just take a deep breath before I try to say all this, even though we’re in the medium of print…Costco’s Kirkland Signature Sous Vide Egg Bites in Egg White With Cheese Trio & Roasted Red Pepper or Uncured Bacon & Gouda.


Were they good? Ah, you know…they weren’t bad. They’re full of yummy ingredients, they’re a cool little snack cake made of protein. They definitely capture that Starbucks flavor. These are popular items engineered to be satisfying more than to entertain and delight the tongue. You’re buying comfort and security for your modern existence. All in all, I’d never spend money on them, but they’re pretty easy to replicate at scale for low cost, is my takeaway. Even if you don’t own a sous vide or a blender, $5 and $15 of work should make you twice as money for a third of the cost. I try not to apply my DIY unreasonable streak to everything, but these are a pretty good make-at-home for anybody other than the most focused of modern consumers and the most incompetent of chefs. Skip the plastic and just make your own version.