I Did Not Enjoy that Bhakta Hogsworth Very Much

I did not have a good time drinking the Hogsworth bourbon/brandy mixture, but I had an even WORSE time with an editor misunderstanding my writing to think that Raj Bhakta was still with Whistlepig, sending it to print with that in the URL, and then pushing it out to MSN.com and the correction misspelling Bhakta as Bhatka…none of which, your honor, is on my shoulders for all the headache it created in issuing corrections to keep the PR folks happy. This was particularly poignant, given the Bhakta/Whistlepig bitter parting.

Back at the original point, this was disappointing, because I happen to think Whistlepig does magnificent stuff, and for all his bafflegab, you couldn’t fault Bhakta for not being entertaining in a Barnum kind of way. The willingness to go out beyond the pale gave whiskey a good jolt, and I was hoping to see that in this latest offering from his post-WP venture. But ah well. I really enjoyed the BHAKTA 2012 Indian Single Malt Whisky (reviewed by others above in the bitter parting link above). I think I said as much in the review