Bill O’Reilly Pathologically Couldn’t Shut Up About Showering

Bill O'Reilly's children's advice book is stupid

We’re back at 1-900-HOTDOG for the third part of our grueling annual slog through Bill O’Reilly’s book of advice for teenagers, which I am more confident than ever was just an hour of hot takes during downtime on the set of The O’Reilly Factor, and which Charles Flowers painstakingly tried to assemble into decent life … Read more

Bill O’Reilly Was the Most Emblematic Asshole of the ’00s

I could fill a list with what’s great about writing for the 1-900-HOTDOG pirate ship and its kind yet twisted crew, and I wouldn’t be too many entries in before it comes up that no era or area are off-limits. If you can make a fighting manual from the 19th Century into comedy that fits … Read more