1-900-HOTDOG: The Weirdest Agitprop Comic Is…Cyborg Sean Hannity

I’m back on 1-900-HOTDOG’s Dogg Zzone 9000, talking about a bonkers 2005 semi-satire called Liberality for All, in which those dastardly libs win the 2000 election and the unthinkable happens: they fail to prevent 9/11. The capitulating, America-hating betrayers on the left make us weak to our enemies, but also create a fascist state capable … Read more

Stardust’s Greatest Kills, Part II: The Weirdening

Last month and also week, we began making fun of Stardust the Super Wizard over at 1-900-HOTDOG. This month, we conclude making fun of Stardust over at 1-900-HOTDOG. Nature has an order to it, you see. I mentioned on the journal entry for part one, about how Stardust might just be the demigod I’m looking … Read more

Stardust is Superman’s Weirdest Knock-Off

A new two-parter begins today at 1-900-HOTDOG, in which the mad mind of Fletcher Hanks gives us Stardust the Super Wizard, a merciless arbiter of…justice? Vengeance? Let’s just call it punishment. It’s weird! It was always weird! There are kids born in 1930 who have living memories today of thinking this was weird. Though he … Read more

Buster Brown Is an Evil Ifrit (and Other Revelations From Our End Times)

Over at my most-beloved gig as a monthly columnist in the comedy website/burgeoning cult known as 1-900-HOTDOG, I wrote about the bug-eyed beauty Buster Brown. Buster is a very early character from the history of comics, who has not aged, sold more merch than Garfield, once adjusted for world population and production costs, and absolutely … Read more

I Completed Kevin Nash’s ’90s Image Comic

Do you remember 1999’s action sci-fi comic book Nash? Sure, we all don’t. I don’t even think 1999 remembered it, because wrestler/writer Kevin Nash put out two issues through Image Comics, but not a third. Regardless, it’s a trip, and I reviewed it for 1-900-HOTDOG before falling under its spell and fulfilling my longstanding vow … Read more